I have many hobbies. I am always doing something. I simply do not know how to realx, as my husband puts it. I am always on the move! LOL! Even while I am watching TV, my hands are busy doing something - reading, sewing, stitching, eating! LOL!
One of my favourite hobby (yep! I sure have lots of hobbies! *grin*) is cross stitching. I find it simply therapeutic, especially after a stressful day at the office. I have been doing cross stitch for as long as I could remember, but, I stopped for a while when I was furthering my studies in Architecture. Architecture is one course that simply does not leave you with much time for leisure, what with all those projects and presentations you have to put up weekly, not to mention all those late nights spent preparing for the project presentations!
I caught the cross stich bug again some 10 years back. My interest got even more intensified when I found friends on the net just as crazy about cross stitch as I am! Since joining a stitching group online, I have made many new friends and I have been inspired to try many new things and techniques in this pleasurable hobby. Here are some of my finished pieces. Take a look!