It was Monday, 15th February 2010. We had spent almost the whole day Saturday, 13th February out of the house, taking Aiman to his usual Saturday classes, met up my mum, brother and niece for lunch. Later, we spent the evenings at my brother’s house before going home, but not before we stopped to get ourselves packed dinner to be eaten at home.
By the time we got home, it was quite late and everyone was tired. After dinner, we decided to retire early for the night as we thought that we would start our day early the next day as we have many things planned for the day.
It was Valentine’s Day and also Chinese New Year. We did not make any plans to do any
visiting to any Chinese’s friends’ house. Neither did we make any plans for Valentine’s Day as we had already spent the whole day out of the house on Saturday, and so, decided to stay home instead and take care of the house apart from doing the usual household chores.
My hubby had the grass cutter in, while I took stock of what’s in the fridge and cleared all the food which was more than a week old. I also made plans of what I would be cooking for the next few days so that my hubby can go and buy some groceries as we had Tuesday off, and I had applied for leave on Wednesday to give my MIL a break from baby-sitting Aiman.
After the majority of the household chores were done with, I managed to work on a sample bag which was a special request from my hubby’s cousin and managed to complete it that Sunday night (see earlier posting).
Having spent the whole day at home on Sunday, came Monday morning, my hubby suggested that we take a drive around town to see how the town is like during this festive season when it used to be terribly jammed up on normal working days. We made plans to have dinner out as we take in the sights of the city at night.
We headed on to Bukit Bintang after our maghrib prayers, and was caught in a slight jam along the Federal Highway in front of Midvalley Megamall due to an accident and a slight road closure due to construction. After that, it was a smooth drive to Bukit Bintang.
It’s been a very long time since I last went to Bukit Bintang and was amazed at how much it had changed.

It was becoming more of a tourist spot rather than just a shopping spot for the locals, like it used to be 10 or so years ago. I felt like as if I was in a foreign land and could not resist going around snapping photos of the sights and scenes around me.

What was most shocking was the new shopping complex The Pavillion which was built on the former Bukit Bintang Girls’ School.

I felt a sudden pang of sadness when I saw the huge shopping complex as I felt that a part of history was torn down just to make way for just another shopping complex. Like as if there weren’t enough shopping complexes already in the area.
Is commercial value more important than the historical value of a city? I am no business woman, neither am I a fetish for history, but, to see a school which was part of the making of Kuala Lumpur make way for simply just another shopping complex was really a sad sight to see. I don’t see anything that is so unique about it that a school actually had to give way to it other than to bring in money to the already rich people.
Yeah! Yeah! Some will say that it was an economically driven decision as this shopping complex will be able to bring in money into the country as many tourists will be patronising the place. Like as if we don’t have enough shopping complexes of similar purpose around the city already? *sigh*
Part of history just went down when the school was torn down. *sigh*
After taking some snap shots of the err…..whatchamacolic…biggest whatever…..water sculpture in front of The Pavillion (it changes colours 3 times and the water fountain can reach the height of the biggest bowl……my son was amazed and excited at seeing the fountain rise the highest height. LOL!), we walked back towards Sungei Wang Plaza in search of food as we were starting to get hungry.

We came across Mr Gold and Mr Silver (I could not get a photo of Mr Silver) posing with anyone who wishes to take photos with them for a small fee of RM2.00.

My hubby tried to take a self portrait of himself and Aiman with Mr Gold in the background but it got too crowded that it was impossible to get a good shot of him.

When we got to almost the end of Jalan Bukit Bintang, we decided to settle for Papa Rich for dinner. Aiman, again, ordered Fish and Chips (this boy just can’t seem to get enough of Fish and Chips! He just had Fish and Chips on Saturday! LOL!).

I ordered the Curry Laksa which came in a HUGE bowl with plenty of chicken pieces and cockels.

Unfortunately, the curry laksa was tasteless. Despite adding salt and pounded chillies, I still could not get it to taste nice. But, I finished it anyway as I was hungry, and the big chicken pieces sort of made up for its poor taste.
My hubby ordered the chicken rice, but I could not get a good shot of the set as the lighting in the restaurant was poor and my hubby was positioned at an angle from me.

I did not want to get up to take the shot as I did not want to make it too obvious that I was taking photos of the food lest the restaurant owner might chase me out thinking that I might be trying to steal his idea for a recipe or in the way he presented the food, not that the food presentation was that great anyway. LOL! *grin*
Seen here my hubby putting up a posting at FB to say that we were having dinner at Papa Rich in Bukit Bintang. Has someone gotten addicted to FB? LOL! *wink*

My son also ordered a serving of otak-otak which was really nice despite it looking raw and ‘naked’ without the usual leaves that an otak-otak is usually wrapped in. LOL! *grin*

We topped off our dinner by sharing a bowl of Banana Split which was really nice as we have not had a Banana Split in a long tim etoo.

Dinner wasn’t even done yet when my son started yawning and rubbing his eyes, showing signs of being tired and sleepy. He had played a round of badminton with my hubby earlier at the park, and since he had not being exercising much since his circumcision and the chicken pox, it must have worn him down very much.
We paid the bill and headed back to the car to go home. We arrived home still early as it wasn’t even 11.00pm, as it was quite a smooth drive back. If only the roads could always be this clear all day every day! LOL!
Yeah! Yeah! Dream, baby, dream! When you live in a big city like KL, you can only dream of a city that is jam free! LOL!
It was nice to go into the city once in a while to take in the sights and sounds of the city at night. I am no socialite, and going out at night is not something I like to do, preferring instead, to stay at home to work on my crafts, but, it’s a nice change once in a while.
By the time we got home, it was quite late and everyone was tired. After dinner, we decided to retire early for the night as we thought that we would start our day early the next day as we have many things planned for the day.
It was Valentine’s Day and also Chinese New Year. We did not make any plans to do any
visiting to any Chinese’s friends’ house. Neither did we make any plans for Valentine’s Day as we had already spent the whole day out of the house on Saturday, and so, decided to stay home instead and take care of the house apart from doing the usual household chores.
My hubby had the grass cutter in, while I took stock of what’s in the fridge and cleared all the food which was more than a week old. I also made plans of what I would be cooking for the next few days so that my hubby can go and buy some groceries as we had Tuesday off, and I had applied for leave on Wednesday to give my MIL a break from baby-sitting Aiman.
After the majority of the household chores were done with, I managed to work on a sample bag which was a special request from my hubby’s cousin and managed to complete it that Sunday night (see earlier posting).
Having spent the whole day at home on Sunday, came Monday morning, my hubby suggested that we take a drive around town to see how the town is like during this festive season when it used to be terribly jammed up on normal working days. We made plans to have dinner out as we take in the sights of the city at night.
We headed on to Bukit Bintang after our maghrib prayers, and was caught in a slight jam along the Federal Highway in front of Midvalley Megamall due to an accident and a slight road closure due to construction. After that, it was a smooth drive to Bukit Bintang.
It’s been a very long time since I last went to Bukit Bintang and was amazed at how much it had changed.
It was becoming more of a tourist spot rather than just a shopping spot for the locals, like it used to be 10 or so years ago. I felt like as if I was in a foreign land and could not resist going around snapping photos of the sights and scenes around me.
What was most shocking was the new shopping complex The Pavillion which was built on the former Bukit Bintang Girls’ School.
I felt a sudden pang of sadness when I saw the huge shopping complex as I felt that a part of history was torn down just to make way for just another shopping complex. Like as if there weren’t enough shopping complexes already in the area.
Is commercial value more important than the historical value of a city? I am no business woman, neither am I a fetish for history, but, to see a school which was part of the making of Kuala Lumpur make way for simply just another shopping complex was really a sad sight to see. I don’t see anything that is so unique about it that a school actually had to give way to it other than to bring in money to the already rich people.
Yeah! Yeah! Some will say that it was an economically driven decision as this shopping complex will be able to bring in money into the country as many tourists will be patronising the place. Like as if we don’t have enough shopping complexes of similar purpose around the city already? *sigh*
Part of history just went down when the school was torn down. *sigh*
After taking some snap shots of the err…..whatchamacolic…biggest whatever…..water sculpture in front of The Pavillion (it changes colours 3 times and the water fountain can reach the height of the biggest bowl……my son was amazed and excited at seeing the fountain rise the highest height. LOL!), we walked back towards Sungei Wang Plaza in search of food as we were starting to get hungry.
We came across Mr Gold and Mr Silver (I could not get a photo of Mr Silver) posing with anyone who wishes to take photos with them for a small fee of RM2.00.
My hubby tried to take a self portrait of himself and Aiman with Mr Gold in the background but it got too crowded that it was impossible to get a good shot of him.
When we got to almost the end of Jalan Bukit Bintang, we decided to settle for Papa Rich for dinner. Aiman, again, ordered Fish and Chips (this boy just can’t seem to get enough of Fish and Chips! He just had Fish and Chips on Saturday! LOL!).
I ordered the Curry Laksa which came in a HUGE bowl with plenty of chicken pieces and cockels.
Unfortunately, the curry laksa was tasteless. Despite adding salt and pounded chillies, I still could not get it to taste nice. But, I finished it anyway as I was hungry, and the big chicken pieces sort of made up for its poor taste.
My hubby ordered the chicken rice, but I could not get a good shot of the set as the lighting in the restaurant was poor and my hubby was positioned at an angle from me.
I did not want to get up to take the shot as I did not want to make it too obvious that I was taking photos of the food lest the restaurant owner might chase me out thinking that I might be trying to steal his idea for a recipe or in the way he presented the food, not that the food presentation was that great anyway. LOL! *grin*
Seen here my hubby putting up a posting at FB to say that we were having dinner at Papa Rich in Bukit Bintang. Has someone gotten addicted to FB? LOL! *wink*
My son also ordered a serving of otak-otak which was really nice despite it looking raw and ‘naked’ without the usual leaves that an otak-otak is usually wrapped in. LOL! *grin*
We topped off our dinner by sharing a bowl of Banana Split which was really nice as we have not had a Banana Split in a long tim etoo.
Dinner wasn’t even done yet when my son started yawning and rubbing his eyes, showing signs of being tired and sleepy. He had played a round of badminton with my hubby earlier at the park, and since he had not being exercising much since his circumcision and the chicken pox, it must have worn him down very much.
We paid the bill and headed back to the car to go home. We arrived home still early as it wasn’t even 11.00pm, as it was quite a smooth drive back. If only the roads could always be this clear all day every day! LOL!
Yeah! Yeah! Dream, baby, dream! When you live in a big city like KL, you can only dream of a city that is jam free! LOL!
It was nice to go into the city once in a while to take in the sights and sounds of the city at night. I am no socialite, and going out at night is not something I like to do, preferring instead, to stay at home to work on my crafts, but, it’s a nice change once in a while.
Its nice to see Aiman up and about! Happy CNY Nik! :)
Shanny, Aiman has gained so much weight since the circumcison and having the chicken pox soon after that has made him lazy to exercise, thus the sudden increase in weight! LOL!
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