Heheh…yup! I got a new toy! An embroidery machine! *grin*
She was already mine on Sunday, 25th October, 2009, but, because I had already planned to take leave on Monday, 26th October, to learn how to play with her, I left her in the care of those at Epal.
I also didn’t want to have to leave her in the car if I had carried her home as I needed to make a stopover at Carrefour to get some supplies before heading home. I didn’t want anyone passing by my car to get curious and tempted to take her away from me.
So, the next day, Monday, 26th October, I raced *grin* to Epal very early in the morning! LOL!
I just couldn’t wait to see her again. It was a sleepless night for me that night as I anxiously waited for morning to get acquainted with her! LOL! *wink*
We spent the whole morning and part of the afternoon on the 26th October getting to know each other.

Eric (the sales manager) told me that you are the friendly sort, and I shouldn’t have much problem playing with you.
I sure hope so, but, as I was doing my first project after some test runs, she made some clanking sound and the threads came out uneven. After some investigative searching, the technician found out that some threads had gotten stuck in between the bottom thread dial.
After that was cleaned up, she purred like a kitten! Oohh! I love her! BUT, before my MC6500 and 17 year old Singer gets all upset, I must say that I love all my toys! They all serve a purpose, especially my 17 year old SINGER which has served me well, and I hope to have as many more years playing with it.
Back to my new toy, hmm… shall I give it a name so that I can easily refer to it? How about ‘Em’ for the E on the machine?
It is, after all the JANOME 350e. I can’t call it ‘Janome’ since that is the name I call my MC6500. OK, Em it is…..
Well, on the first day of class that Monday, 26th, I learnt how to sew the embroidered border and how to match them up when doing continuous borders for the Baju Kurung or Kebaya.

It takes a little bit of getting used to to get it right though I did actually get it right on the first try. But I did two more border designs as practice pieces before I could start on the actual project.
My first project was the ‘Thank You’ towel and ‘Happy Birthday’ Towel.

Ooppps! From the photo now my Sister-in-law Eli is going to know what her birthday present for this year is going to be…*wink*
Oh, by coincidence, today is HER BIRTHDAY!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Eli! This towel will be coming your way hopefully next week if I can get to the post office. In the mean time, I hope you have a great day today! Take care, and hugs!
I gave the ‘Thank You’ towel to my hubby to take to the gym, to thank him for all the support that he has given me, and for never looking down on my hobbies, and encouraging me to venture further to a business level . Love you, Dia!
I came home and played some more, but since I still had very little knowledge on how to operate it fully, I played around with making name tags for my son and labels for my bags.

As it turned out, I had ran out of the tags I had made at the professional embroidery shop, so, it was timely that I had Em.
However, with limited built-in font options in the machine, I couldn’t get the label to look as good as those I had them made at the professional embroidery shop.
After many trial and errors, I finally made the one shown below, which I can say that I am quite happy, but, I still hope to improve on it further.

By the way, look at some of the things that came with the machine!
A container full of yummy and colourful embroidery threads!

I also got 19 project kits and a year of free classes, though I have to first complete a 10 day course on Home Based Business, a module that was offered when you buy the machine. They encourage you to try to make money from the machine. Now isn’t that cool?
I only hope that I can take leave to attend the course, knowing how hectic work at the office can be sometimes. It would be a waste if I don’t take the opportunity to learn the ropes in the business world as I hope to someday venture into some sort of business with my business minded brother, Ayis.
I have not touched Em since Tuesday since I have been coming home late almost every day this week. I was so tired that I have fallen asleep in front of the PC on 3 nights already.
Tonight, though, I am feeling a little better despite being caught up in a bad traffic jam. It must be because I spent the first two hours in front of the TV just sitting and watching TV, and pretty much doing nothing instead of watching while doing some household chores, like I always do.
My hubby said that I must learn how to relax. I told him I don’t like to waste time and prefer to multi task so that more things get done within the same time. But, tonight, I took his advice and just sat and watched, guess what? Sehati Berdansa on Astro Ria and Nur Kasih on TV3! LOL! I must really be tired actually! LOL!
Tomorrow Aiman has replacement class, and as my hubby will be taking him to school, I hope to go for my second class. I can’t wait to learn what more I can do with Em!
She was already mine on Sunday, 25th October, 2009, but, because I had already planned to take leave on Monday, 26th October, to learn how to play with her, I left her in the care of those at Epal.
I also didn’t want to have to leave her in the car if I had carried her home as I needed to make a stopover at Carrefour to get some supplies before heading home. I didn’t want anyone passing by my car to get curious and tempted to take her away from me.
So, the next day, Monday, 26th October, I raced *grin* to Epal very early in the morning! LOL!
I just couldn’t wait to see her again. It was a sleepless night for me that night as I anxiously waited for morning to get acquainted with her! LOL! *wink*
We spent the whole morning and part of the afternoon on the 26th October getting to know each other.

Eric (the sales manager) told me that you are the friendly sort, and I shouldn’t have much problem playing with you.
I sure hope so, but, as I was doing my first project after some test runs, she made some clanking sound and the threads came out uneven. After some investigative searching, the technician found out that some threads had gotten stuck in between the bottom thread dial.
After that was cleaned up, she purred like a kitten! Oohh! I love her! BUT, before my MC6500 and 17 year old Singer gets all upset, I must say that I love all my toys! They all serve a purpose, especially my 17 year old SINGER which has served me well, and I hope to have as many more years playing with it.
It is, after all the JANOME 350e. I can’t call it ‘Janome’ since that is the name I call my MC6500. OK, Em it is…..
Well, on the first day of class that Monday, 26th, I learnt how to sew the embroidered border and how to match them up when doing continuous borders for the Baju Kurung or Kebaya.
It takes a little bit of getting used to to get it right though I did actually get it right on the first try. But I did two more border designs as practice pieces before I could start on the actual project.
My first project was the ‘Thank You’ towel and ‘Happy Birthday’ Towel.
Ooppps! From the photo now my Sister-in-law Eli is going to know what her birthday present for this year is going to be…*wink*
Oh, by coincidence, today is HER BIRTHDAY!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Eli! This towel will be coming your way hopefully next week if I can get to the post office. In the mean time, I hope you have a great day today! Take care, and hugs!
I gave the ‘Thank You’ towel to my hubby to take to the gym, to thank him for all the support that he has given me, and for never looking down on my hobbies, and encouraging me to venture further to a business level . Love you, Dia!
I came home and played some more, but since I still had very little knowledge on how to operate it fully, I played around with making name tags for my son and labels for my bags.

As it turned out, I had ran out of the tags I had made at the professional embroidery shop, so, it was timely that I had Em.
However, with limited built-in font options in the machine, I couldn’t get the label to look as good as those I had them made at the professional embroidery shop.
After many trial and errors, I finally made the one shown below, which I can say that I am quite happy, but, I still hope to improve on it further.
By the way, look at some of the things that came with the machine!
A container full of yummy and colourful embroidery threads!
I also got 19 project kits and a year of free classes, though I have to first complete a 10 day course on Home Based Business, a module that was offered when you buy the machine. They encourage you to try to make money from the machine. Now isn’t that cool?
I only hope that I can take leave to attend the course, knowing how hectic work at the office can be sometimes. It would be a waste if I don’t take the opportunity to learn the ropes in the business world as I hope to someday venture into some sort of business with my business minded brother, Ayis.
I have not touched Em since Tuesday since I have been coming home late almost every day this week. I was so tired that I have fallen asleep in front of the PC on 3 nights already.
Tonight, though, I am feeling a little better despite being caught up in a bad traffic jam. It must be because I spent the first two hours in front of the TV just sitting and watching TV, and pretty much doing nothing instead of watching while doing some household chores, like I always do.
My hubby said that I must learn how to relax. I told him I don’t like to waste time and prefer to multi task so that more things get done within the same time. But, tonight, I took his advice and just sat and watched, guess what? Sehati Berdansa on Astro Ria and Nur Kasih on TV3! LOL! I must really be tired actually! LOL!
Tomorrow Aiman has replacement class, and as my hubby will be taking him to school, I hope to go for my second class. I can’t wait to learn what more I can do with Em!