Well, it’s not that different actually. It might even be boring to people who goes out and socialize all the time, but, to me who likes to spend her weekends at home working on her crafts, and attending to the household chores and Aiman’s and hubby’s needs, this Saturday we decided to do something a little different. We, as in my son and I (my hubby wasn’t interested. *grin*) went to watch a mini concert at Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam.
Err..what Mini Concert? A “Kau & Aku” Mini Concert featuring Aril, Akim, Mila and the rest of the “Kau & Aku” cast currently playing on Astro Ria Channel 104. Astro is doing a showcase of the musical drama to appreciate the fans who have been following the musical drama every week on Saturday nights.
Am I one of those fans? *blush* LOL! *grin* I watch it on and off, and only to catch Aril. *blush* Ask me what’s happening now in the drama, and I can’t tell you because I only catch bits and pieces of it and would usually watch it in between working on my bags. I find some of the actors too overacting and the script not that very well thought of, sometimes making me cringe! LOL! Maybe that’s because the script was meant for the teenagers and not for someone above 40 like me? LOL! *grin*
I watch it anyway, once in a while, just to watch Aril and it’s a drama where you can just watch it without having to do much thinking. It’s purely watching just to have some fun! *grin*
Anyway, I was actually looking for a laptop bag pack. My only laptop bag pack had a tear that looks like it might give way at any time while I am carrying it on my travel. Since I might be travelling again quite soon, I needed a laptop bag pack in a hurry and so suggested to my hubby that after Aiman’s usual Saturday classes, why don’t we drive over to Shah Alam, Plaza Alam Sentral to be exact – trying to kill two birds with one stone here – to have lunch at a different place instead of the usual restaurant we eat at almost every Saturday. At the same time, I can also get to look for a laptop bag pack AND maybe also be able to catch the Mini Concert! LOL! *grin* That’s killing 3 birds with one stone! LOL!
We had lunch at Thai Fusion Steamboat, Plaza Alam Sentral – I LOVE STEAMBOAT! We settled for the Set Meal for 3 people, but I did not take any photos of the food this time around as I had a bad experience the last time I was in a restaurant and wanted to take photos of the food (I will post about it later).
The steamboat was nice! We had it with Tom Yam soup. The portion was just nice for the 3 of us for lunch, but, for some reason, I started getting hungry again at 6.00pm! LOL!
Anyway, when we were done with lunch, we were just in time for the concert to start at 3.00pm. We made our way to the stage at the atrium of the shopping mall and I was mighty surprise at the flood of people already waiting for the concert to start.

I never expected such a crowd knowing how Malaysians can sometimes be quite blur, duh and boring when it comes to concerts, unlike in the US where the fans go crazy whenever they attend concerts of their favourite celebrities.
But, I certainly was wrong this time around. The crowd was very excited and eager to meet their idols from Kau & Aku. In fact, when we arrived at Plaza Alam Sentral at about 1.30pm for lunch, the crowd had already gathered around the stage even then. So big was the crowd that the only way we could even try to get a glimpse of Akim, Aril and Mila was by going up to the 3rd floor. At that level, all we could see were the top of the heads of Akim, Aril and Mila! LOL!

As soon as the concert started and Aril, Akim, Mila and the rest of the cast came on stage, the crowd got very excited.

They were trying very hard to get as close as possible to their idols, calling out to them, wanting to shake hands with them, but were restrained by the security guards who were quick to prevent the crowd from pulling their idols off stage.

The crowd that afternoon, which I think consists of a mix of the very young, teenagers, young adults and even some in my age group and older, were very sporting. They were cheering, clapping, waving, and singing along to every song sang that day. I was amazed that they seem to know all the songs by heart! A real big fan they are!
We did not stay to watch the concert till the end as I still need to look for my bag pack and I also needed to buy some workbooks for Aiman. We left the concert to do some shopping after Aril sang my favourite song from him, “Menatap Matamu”.

It was nice to do something out of the ordinary once in a while. I enjoyed the steamboat lunch, and the mini concert was a nice touch to a usually routine Saturdays, not that I am complaining. I am happy just the way things are. Anything out of the ordinary is a bonus! I actually even managed to snap a close-up of Aril just as we were leaving the shopping mall. LOL! *grin*

Err..what Mini Concert? A “Kau & Aku” Mini Concert featuring Aril, Akim, Mila and the rest of the “Kau & Aku” cast currently playing on Astro Ria Channel 104. Astro is doing a showcase of the musical drama to appreciate the fans who have been following the musical drama every week on Saturday nights.
Am I one of those fans? *blush* LOL! *grin* I watch it on and off, and only to catch Aril. *blush* Ask me what’s happening now in the drama, and I can’t tell you because I only catch bits and pieces of it and would usually watch it in between working on my bags. I find some of the actors too overacting and the script not that very well thought of, sometimes making me cringe! LOL! Maybe that’s because the script was meant for the teenagers and not for someone above 40 like me? LOL! *grin*
I watch it anyway, once in a while, just to watch Aril and it’s a drama where you can just watch it without having to do much thinking. It’s purely watching just to have some fun! *grin*
Anyway, I was actually looking for a laptop bag pack. My only laptop bag pack had a tear that looks like it might give way at any time while I am carrying it on my travel. Since I might be travelling again quite soon, I needed a laptop bag pack in a hurry and so suggested to my hubby that after Aiman’s usual Saturday classes, why don’t we drive over to Shah Alam, Plaza Alam Sentral to be exact – trying to kill two birds with one stone here – to have lunch at a different place instead of the usual restaurant we eat at almost every Saturday. At the same time, I can also get to look for a laptop bag pack AND maybe also be able to catch the Mini Concert! LOL! *grin* That’s killing 3 birds with one stone! LOL!
We had lunch at Thai Fusion Steamboat, Plaza Alam Sentral – I LOVE STEAMBOAT! We settled for the Set Meal for 3 people, but I did not take any photos of the food this time around as I had a bad experience the last time I was in a restaurant and wanted to take photos of the food (I will post about it later).
The steamboat was nice! We had it with Tom Yam soup. The portion was just nice for the 3 of us for lunch, but, for some reason, I started getting hungry again at 6.00pm! LOL!
Anyway, when we were done with lunch, we were just in time for the concert to start at 3.00pm. We made our way to the stage at the atrium of the shopping mall and I was mighty surprise at the flood of people already waiting for the concert to start.
I never expected such a crowd knowing how Malaysians can sometimes be quite blur, duh and boring when it comes to concerts, unlike in the US where the fans go crazy whenever they attend concerts of their favourite celebrities.
But, I certainly was wrong this time around. The crowd was very excited and eager to meet their idols from Kau & Aku. In fact, when we arrived at Plaza Alam Sentral at about 1.30pm for lunch, the crowd had already gathered around the stage even then. So big was the crowd that the only way we could even try to get a glimpse of Akim, Aril and Mila was by going up to the 3rd floor. At that level, all we could see were the top of the heads of Akim, Aril and Mila! LOL!
As soon as the concert started and Aril, Akim, Mila and the rest of the cast came on stage, the crowd got very excited.
They were trying very hard to get as close as possible to their idols, calling out to them, wanting to shake hands with them, but were restrained by the security guards who were quick to prevent the crowd from pulling their idols off stage.
The crowd that afternoon, which I think consists of a mix of the very young, teenagers, young adults and even some in my age group and older, were very sporting. They were cheering, clapping, waving, and singing along to every song sang that day. I was amazed that they seem to know all the songs by heart! A real big fan they are!
We did not stay to watch the concert till the end as I still need to look for my bag pack and I also needed to buy some workbooks for Aiman. We left the concert to do some shopping after Aril sang my favourite song from him, “Menatap Matamu”.
It was nice to do something out of the ordinary once in a while. I enjoyed the steamboat lunch, and the mini concert was a nice touch to a usually routine Saturdays, not that I am complaining. I am happy just the way things are. Anything out of the ordinary is a bonus! I actually even managed to snap a close-up of Aril just as we were leaving the shopping mall. LOL! *grin*