I was
in Penang for work on the 8th and 9th of July, and since I was spending the night there, I made
plans to meet up with Zarina and also to
visit Corine from Corine’s Craft after work.
It was originally a plan to just
meet up for a chat (yeah! Right! Just a chat, you say? LOL! *wink*) and maybe browse (browse? Who am I kidding, anyway? LOL! *grin*) through Corine’s shop hut which is always
filled to the brim with plenty of sewing notions and fabrics. It never fails to get me all excited like a little girl. *grin*
Corine picked me up from the hotel as soon as I checked in and managed to refresh myself. I was originally very tired after a long day visiting 2 project sites and attending a project meeting that I almost wanted to just call off meeting up with Zarina and Corine. I felt like just taking a warm shower and going under the covers for a good long nap, but,
the minute I heard Corine’s voice over the phone, I got all excited! I was already imagining going through all the lovely sewing stuff and fabrics in her hut! LOL! *blush*
When I got to Corine’s house, there was a lady already there doing a bag. If I am not mistaken, she was doing the
Banana Bag, which immediately
got me all excited! LOL!
Corine encouraged me to take a bag lesson with her, but I hesitated as it was already 6.30pm. I doubt it if I could finish a bag in this short time. I wasn’t too keen on imposing on Corine either at such a last minutes, and I don’t think I have the energy to stay up late after a long day already. I also needed to get some sleep as I still have a very long day tomorrow filled with discussions and site visits.
However, all that changed when I saw
Roz’s lovely Saddle bag, compounded with lots of persuasion and encouragement from
Corine herself and
Shit Lin. LOL!

I immediately got to work choosing the fabrics while
Shit Lin immediately got to work drawing out the patterns onto the interfacing.

Zarina arrived, even before we could finish with our pleasantries,
she was set to get to work cutting the interfacing while Shit Lin ironed them onto my chosen fabrics. Thanks, Zarina!

This time, my choices of fabrics were
brown with pink flowers! Ooohh! It is so sweet! Just couldn’t get away from pink, can I? LOL!
I spent the next
2 ½ hours working on the bag with plenty of help from Shit Lin, Zarina and Corine.

Zarina left at about 8.00pm, and we stopped working on the bag at about 9.00pm or so.
I only got as far as putting the top of the bag together, but it was already late and time for dinner and I had to get back to the hotel for some much needed rest.
Corine took us to dinner at Sushi King (thanks, Corine!) and Shit Lin’s sister sent me back to the hotel. I was so tired, I think I fell asleep the minute my head hit the pillows. LOL!
Coincidentally, Corine drove to Kuala Lumpur the next day to run a class, but, I didn’t have a chance to attend that class at Kelvin’s as I had a meeting to attend as soon as I arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Penang. So, I only managed to
join her class on Saturday, 10th July, but, even then, it was after 11.00am as we had a
3-way conference at Aiman’s school to discuss Aiman’s performance with his teachers on his last semester’s exams.

I had little doubt that I could finish the bag, seeing how complicated the bag looks, but, again with
lots of help from Shit Lin and Corine, I finished it! All that was left was to put on the
leather handle, which I am not an expert in, and so, I gave it to Corine to take it back to Penang for her to buy the all the
leather accessories needed for the bag from this lady who does leather accessories for bags, and for her get it done for me.
The finished bag arrived yesterday, 31st July, with Corine when she was down here again running another bag class.
It’s gorgeous, if you don’t mind me saying so myself! LOL! *wink*

I just
simply love the fabrics, and the
leather accessories simply make the bag look so very expensive! Errrrr....actually, they are VERY EXPENSIVE! *wink*

I can’t wait to use it!
I am thinking of doing another one, this time
in black as my favourite black handbag has given way after a very good and long service with me. It’s time to retire it. I have bought the fabrics at Kelvin’s on Saturday. I hope to spend some time today (this post was written on Sunday, 1st August) drawing out the patterns and maybe get started on it as soon as possible because I am
in dire need of a black bag. I just hope that it will turn out just as nice, if not better looking!
BTW, while I was at Kelvin’s, with Kelvin’s permission, I snapped some photos of his new shop. Seen here is
an angle of the classroom.
Don’t you just love all those fabrics and sewing notions?
I could practically
spend the whole day at Kelvin’s shop, going through all those lovely fabrics, only I think it just might be too dangerous for my purse, and burst my bank account! LOL! Eerr.....I think it already did on my last trip there! LOL!
Look at all those
bags nicely decorating the top of the shelves filled with fabrics!
Makes you want to do all the bags, doesn't it? *wink*

Seen here is
Kelvin with Niza from Penang.

Coming up next ......
A bag for the Little Missy!