It's been so many days since I last posted anything here, and many things has happened since. I wanted to drop a line or two, but work has been a little hectic, and besides, I got into yet another craze! LOL! That's it! Another new hobby yet again and this time I am into making
beaded scissor/handphone bracelets!
My hubby was amazed that I picked up yet
another new hobby! Told him dat all my hobbies are part of a wheel that goes round and round. I will come back to x stitching, patchwork, scrapbooking, sewing, card making, stamping, crocheting, baking, cake decorating, when the wheel comes around next time.

His comment? My wheel seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the day that it is taking ages for any one hobby to come back to its first postion! LOL! LOL! LOL! blush!
I just can't seem to get enough of this new hobby! It all started as a quick visit...which didn't turn out to be quick after all..LOL!
Brenda's Mayfair shop at USJ Taipan.
Ok, let's start from the beginning.....I had wanted to learn beadwork for some time. In fact, when I last went down to Johor Bahru and met up with
Wendy, while waiting for her at d specific time, I browsed the bookshop at City Square and the bead magazine was just calling out to me! LOL! I picked it up and it got me really curious on how to make all those lovely bracelets and necklaces. There were instructions for beginners in d magazine, but I still cudn't make out how or where to start. I bought the magazine anyway with the hope that some day, I'll learn how to make one of those lovely bracelets in the magazine.
Coming back to KL, I asked a few of my stitching friends from
Malaysian Stitchers to show me the ropes, but, as much as they wanted to help me, but because everything was done virtually, and I somehow just cudn't figure out the terms used in beadwork, that I just got totally lost! Duh! I don't even know what findings mean! LOL! Another duh! *wink* But, as usual, being the curious me and always wanting to learn and try out new things, I made several visits to the bead section of Jucso Midvaley with the hope that the shop assistant there would show me the methods. But, alas, she cud only make one for me if I buy the things but was not that willing to actually show me how to do it. Disappointed I was, but I never gave up. So, back to current time.....heheh.....
While paying for the things I bought (which was just some DMC threads and buttons) during my so called quick stop at Brenda's *wink*, my eyes caught the lovely handphone bracelets showcased. I asked Brenda how much it cost. Her answer? Why buy when U can make them yourself! Heheheh....told her that I have been wanting to make them but don't know how. She said that if I buy the things from her, she will teach me how to do them. As they say it, the rest is history! LOL! Thanks, Brenda! Muaaahhhhh!
I came back from Brenda's and simply couldn't get enough of bead work! LOL! Finally the bead magazine I bought in JB made sense! I understood the terms being used! LOL!
The next day I made a trip to Jusco Midvalley, but this time with confidence to buy the things needed to make more handphone/scissor bracelets! Those interested in this hobby, be warned! This is one expensive hobby! But, aren't all my hobbies expensive? LOL! *wink*
Because of the price of the beads at Jusco, I purchase only enough to make 3 more bracelets, but I still couldn't get enough. My mind was full of ideas on how to make more varieties of the bracelets. I woke up thinking beads, and went to bed thinking beads! LOL!
I just needed to make more handphone bracelets. The same week, after asking my stitching friends where can I get nice beads without spending a fortune, I was told that one shop called Ondori in Petaling Street carries nice beads at a reasonable price.
Thanks, Margaret, for the info!

So, Friday, 26 August, 2005, I went happily driving down Petaling Street, armed with just an info that it is next to a Purple Cane Tea shop and near to Mandarin Hotel. You have to remember that the last time I went to Petaling Street was almost 15 years ago! But, did it stop me from going? Nope! Not at all! After asking for some basic directions from friends, off I went!
It rained heavily. But, so determined was I at getting to this shop that no heavy downpour could dampen my spirits! LOL! Did I find the shop at the firt round? Nope! The second round? Nope! I found Mandarin Hotel but I cudn't find the Tea Shop and nor could I find the Ondori shop. After the 3rd round, I decided to park the car and called Margaret to get more specific directions. Guess what? When I called her, I was parked directly in front of d shop! LOL!
Again, thks, Margaret! I really had fun at d shop! Wish lunch time was longer, but, then again, d more time I spend der, d more I will spend! LOL! BTW, the name of the shop is NOT ONDORI! LOL!
Because of this new hobby, I didn't do any stitching for so many weekends! LOL! All I wanted to do was to try out different variations to d scissor/handphone barcelets. Many variations I did. Take a look at my webshot album to see what I have been crazy doing the past month!