Okay! Okay! Okay! I know
I am late, in fact really late, in putting up my report for the
5 Mini Challenge, but, it has been
one hectic week! Well, for starters,
my baby, yup, he is still my baby despite being already 6 years old! *wink* has
started Primary One! I never thought it could get me all stressed out tired! LOL! I will tell all about it in a later posting. For now, the priority is to report on the
5 Mini Challenge which I was supposed to have reported on
January 1, 2007. Apologise, Margaret!
OK, let's see......
I had actually completed all my
5 Minis before
Christmas, or the weekend of the christmas holidays. I would have updated my blog then, but I could only do it after my son has gone to bed. Lately he has gotten addicted to
Dragon Boosters and I have to `fight' to use the computer with him! LOL! So, the best is when he has gone to bed. But, then again, after I had put him to bed and done all the household chores, I start yawning! So, what else is new? LOL!

Anyway, here they are........
First, is my
Needlebook. This is actually not part of my 5 minis initially, so, I actually have
6 minis! *wink*
It is a
freebie design by Ellen Maurer Stroh. Where I find the
biscornu I did earlier, also a design by EMS,
a little on the BIG side, I find
this needlebook to be a little too small. It is only
2 1/2" x 3" when closed. It was a little fiddly trying to sew it up because of it's tiny size, or are my hands too big? LOL! I am not that happy with the finishing work. I could have done better, but I do like the design. I am thinking of also stitching up the big needlebook too.

Next is a
pincushion. This design was taken from
Mary Hickmott's New Stitches magazine. I am also not too happy with the way I did the finishing. I think I did the finishing too much in a rush. I also spent a lot of time being undecided in what I wanted to turn this piece into. Initially I wanted to turn it into a
pinkeep, but decided against it when I could not find a more practical use for it besides it being
an ornamental piece. But, after I turned it into a pincusion, I wished that I had went ahead and did it into a pinkeep instead. It would have looked better.... I think.
This next piece, I am really happy with! *grin* I think it is soooo cute! *wink* This
altoid tin piece is a first for me. Though the size does not actually fit exactly, I managed to do it up satisfactorily. I actually glued and reglued and repositioned it 3 times before I could get it right! LOL! I am glad at the way it had turned out. One of my
favourites for the Mini projects.
My 4th piece is a
kitchen towel. This, I think I could also have done a better job of finishing it. I was just so excited to get it done, that I just rushed through it! See what happens when you keep everything till the last minute? LOL!

5th and 6th piece are actually ones that I have already reported on earlier, and they are my
"BLESS OUR HOME" and the
EMS biscornu. These two pieces I am very happy with because I had plenty of time to do them during my less hectic times. For one, I did not do the framing for the "BLESS OUR HOME" piece myself, and I did the finishing for the biscornu during one of the times when my hubby was outstation, so I had no outside 'distraction'. *wink*
So, that is it for now, until I report on progress of my other works!