Sunday, June 03, 2007

Words of encouragement

I received an sms from a friend, Helmy, this morning, which he sent after reading my last two entries in my blog (Heartsick, 1 June 2007 and It’s all God’s will, 2 June 2007), and I was touched by what he wrote. They were words of encouragement in my time of down, and it makes me feel reassured that I have friends who understands what I am going through, and I am not alone in my journey to understand better the human behavior.

I would like to share what he had ‘said’ to me here at my blog, for I feel that what is good should never be kept to oneself alone.

“In life, Allah doesn’t give you people you want, but instead, He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, to love you and to make you exactly the way you should be. As humans, we can only do our best. ‘Kesempurnaan hanya milik Tuhan, tapi bukan alasan untuk kita sambil lewa’. Perfection belongs only to God, but it is not an excuse for us to take things for granted”.

What type of person am I? What type of person will I be? I know that it is never too late to learn. It is also never too late to change, but, can I still make a difference in the world? I will be celebrating my birthday come this 8th of June (oopps! Oh no! LOL! *wink*). Will the year ahead be one that is better than the one before? I certainly hope so. I definitely hope that I would have grown wiser with each passing birthday, and with each challenges that comes my way. I hope to always be able to improve myself to be a better person, a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, and of course, a better boss.

I have taken this most recent experience as a wake up call for me not to be complacent and to not take too many things for granted. It is a time to look back to see where I have failed, and where I can improve. It is a time to reflect back to see where I did wrong, and where I did right, if at all I did anything right. It is a time for soul searching. To find what I want to be, and to be what God wants me to be. I hope it is not yet too late. We were all born into this world for a purpose, and I hope that I will soon know the purpose of my being.

Today too, as if in perfect timing, in the New Sunday Times, appears an article written by Puan Sri Tessie Lim, which I would like to quote a few passages from the article for I feel what she had written, has hit me close to home. She wrote, “Life has dealt me with a fair combination of blessings and blows. I’ve enjoyed the insight of many people, some truly uplifting and inspirational, and yet others who’ve taught me equally well in their own peculiar, perhaps more direct and instructional way. Sometimes the lessons came sharp and quick, other times the realizations crept in quietly”.

She went on to write, “It’s true that we discover ourselves through our relationships. If you think about it, our connection and response to other people is a reflection of who we are. Human beings are always communicating, whether we want to or not. For one, we think in patterns. Unless we put on an act, what we do and what we say reveal what we think. The quality of our relationships and with whom we choose to spend time is a measure of the depth and strength of our personality and character.

Crisis has a way of teaching us things. Only those who feel insecure or do not have a solid sense of self, lack the ego-strength to face and deal with reality. It takes a lot of self-esteem to be humble. Because only by developing a strong enough ego to face reality, and not to personalize and defend oneself against the reactions of others, can we forget our ‘self’ and focus on creating value and contributing to community”.

This passage below comes so close to what I am always feeling –

“Not long ago, I carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I believed I was responsible for other people’s health and happiness. I accepted responsibilities for things I could not control. No wonder I was always feeling upset and worn out. Yet there were many other things I could control – my thoughts, my feelings and my behaviour”.

May I be able to move forward in life with confidence that I did what I did to the best of my abilities and knowledge then, and I did it according to the books of the law. I will always thrive to improve myself, and hope that whatever challenges and crisis that comes my way, I will be able to face head-on, and hopefully, like Tessie, they will serve to be a source of power, hope and vision.

I thank God for all that I have been blessed with – a loving family, a great husband, an adorable son, a great job, though demanding and challenging, none the less, it has always been my ambition and my dad’s ambition to be an Architect. I thank God for the roof over my head, for the food on the table and for the clothes on my shoulder. I thank God for all the great friends I have around me, who have always been there for me in my times of ups and downs, to rejoice, to cry, to laugh, to joke, to tell grandmother’s stories, and to share passions for my hobbies and to share feelings, and to argue and agree, no matter on what subjects and topics it may be, even if it is about Akademi Fantasia. *wink*

May this coming birthday make me an even much wiser, confident, stronger and better person. Amin.

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