Sunday, May 16, 2010

Not what it used to be.....

When I first started blogging some 5 years ago, way back in January 2005, it was a way to release what’s boiling inside of me whenever I am in a crisis or when I needed to say something but I can’t say it anywhere else, but yet, I can still share it with friends and family far and near, as a way to release stress.

My blog was also a place for me to share with friends and family my passions for my crafts, my holidays and many other experiences of everyday life. It was also a way to make new friends who shares the passion for the same crafts that I do. I wanted it to be a journal which I can leave behind for my son to read in years to come.

I wrote at the heading of my blog.....The thoughts and feelings of Za about everyday life - because life is not just about work but everything else that makes the world go round - my work, my family, my hobbies, my friends, and things I want to say that cannot be said anywhere else......

BUT, now, writing here isn’t as ‘free’ as it used to be. I have to be more discerning as to what I want to write. Many more people are reading my blog, which I am very happy on one hand if they share the same thoughts and ideas with me, but apprehensive when they are people who are `spying’ and waiting to pounce on me at any time should I suddenly say the wrong things. These are people who might be an ''enemy'' to me.... and that can be dangerous......

It is no longer what it used to be....


... ... ... ... ... ... nik elin said...

thats why I make my blog private and can only be read by those who have an invitation from me.

NYKOLETT said...

Oh yes!i so agree with you za.Sometimes the ones who u think are your friends can be very can never be sure of peoples gesture..well life is like that..some hearts u win some hearts are better left alone..But how to know??

dazednconfused said...

Hi, I'm new to blogging and I feel your need to blog as a way to relieve stress. I came across your blog and it upset me that you couldn't express yourself the way you wanted to even on your own blog. I say forget what everyone else says or thinks! The thing is we are all different and will not agree with what everyone does or says. There is no such thing as saying the wrong things...

Za said...

Lin, I wanted to make new friends with like minded people who shares the same passion as me and I can only do that if my blog remains public, though I have to be more wary of those who wants to be friends.

I think I'll just have to be more careful on what I write. *sigh*

Za said...

Dear dazedandconfused!

Welcome to the blogging world! How did you find my blog?

I wish I could just ignore what people say but I was told that people can bring you to court if you say something about another person, even if it was just to let off steam.

Sometimes you just need to let out your frustrations about life and how else could you do it but through your own blog. It's good for your mental health to release some steam when one is in a crisis.

Maybe I should put in an escape clause or something?