Friday, May 19, 2006

One of those weeks.......

It's been a hectic week. I have this exhibition to showcase some of our prestigious projects, coming up in less than two weeks. There are still tons to do. The report has to be done. The presentation drawings to be prepared. The computer animation to go through! uuuuuhhhhhh! I am out of breath! LOL! But, luckily, I have a very hard working commitee preparing what needs to be done to ensure that the details are accurate. We certainly don't want to give out the wrong information to the public, do we? *wink*

At the same time that I was busy preparing for the exhibition, I was suddenly recruited to help out in the preparation for the farewell lunch in honour of my Director who is going on transfer. I had to prepare the script and do the voice over for the slide/power point presentation, all in less than a week! Opps! What did I just get myself into! LOL!

As a result of my hectic schedule, I did not do much stitching this week, coz, by the time I got dinner done, eaten and cleared away, my eyes and body were already half asleep from exhaustion - mentally and physically! LOL!

I did however stitched an hour on Wednesday nite, while waiting for CSI to come on at 10 pm, and again at lunch time today, Friday being a longer lunch break. Though slow, I am happy to see the results of my stitching.

I hope to put in more stitching time this coming weekend.

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