Wednesday, March 01, 2006

my 7th......

Not bad! Considering that I have been travelling here, there, everywhere! LOL!

Yep! I completed my 7th L*K Stamp-it - March, last Sunday! Just in time to welcome in the month of March! LOL! heheh...the 1st weekend in two months that we could finally just relax and do OUR things! *grin*

For those who have been reading my blog, U would know what I mean when I say that this is the 1st weekend that we are free to do our own things. Before this, for the past 2 months, we have been tied up almost every weekend preparing either for my brother's wedding or my father-in-laws surprise birthday party. But, in between, I have managed to do some stitching! I think I need that bcoz my stitching is very therapeutic. It eases a lot of my stress (work and maid related). Though it does not take it all (ease the stress), it helps me get through the rough patches of a hectic life style of living in the city.

I am now moving on to stitching the September Stamp-it. Hope to get that done in record time too, and not get it done in September! LOL! *grin*

With the 7th Stamp-it completed, I have now passed my halfway mark! Yipee! So, I decided to feature (show-off! LOL! *wink*) all 6 stamp-it that I have completed thus far. I wanted to include the August Stamp-it (completed in December 2005) but it wouldn't look nice since I have yet to start on the July Stamp-it and have only just started on the September Stamp-it (I am a freak for perfection! LOL! *wink*) .

How do they look? Nice huh? *wink*

1 comment:

Lillie said...

Oh yeah ! very nice and I am drooliiing.. ;D Lillie