Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thread catcher done!

I am pleased to show off *wink* my newly completed thread catcher! As usual, it has to be in pink, but this time, in combination with turqouise. Nice, huh? LOL! *wink*

Thanks again, Jo, for teaching me, and thanks, June for the pieces of carpet tiles for the platform piece.

Here is a photo of the thread catcher next to my faithful 15 year old SINGER sewing machine. I could not quilt the way Jo did her's as my machine is not equiped with the nice wavy stitch. I only have the basic straight and zig zag stitch and a few other stitches which I am unsure if it can be used for quilting. Oh well, bought it 15 years has been my faithful sewing friend......


Shanny Khoo said...

Its such pretty colour as well pink! I wish I have a stitching/craft room.... My stash drawers are at the brim of exploding! :p

Lillie said...

Well done! Loved the fabric.