The thoughts and feelings of Za about every day life - because life is not just about work but everything else that makes the world go round - my work, my family, my hobbies, my friends, and things I want to say that cannot be said anywhere else......

Thursday, December 29, 2005
Where did it go?
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Isn't it purrrrr-fect? *wink*

The framing is simple too. Nothing like what Tammy's in Penang can do, but never the less, it is still nice. Don't you think so? *wink* The colour is so vibrant!
Two done!
Yipee! Another one completed! This is fun! If onl I could complete all my stitching this fast, I'd be completing all my WIPs and UFOs in no time! LOL!

Monday, December 19, 2005
May is done!
Sad, isn't it?
Each time I read of abandoned babies and abused babies/small children, my heart cries. How could someone do such a thing? What causes them to do it? Is life getting too difficult that U are constantly under pressure? U need to vent out ur anger and d easiest person to let it out on is someone innocent?
Why abandon a child that U had carried for 9 months? If U think U cud not love him/her or care for her/him, give him/her up for adoption. Don't abandon d child. The child knows nothing. All he/she wants is love. There are many childless couples out there who wud be more than happy to care 4 an unwanted child. Do not deprive the child of a life just because of ur mistakes. The child is innocent. Just love the child for God will help U thru. Every child comes with his/her own 'rezeki'. U will survive the hardship, if only U are patient. Nothing comes easy.
Every day I look at my son and I feel so blessed. God has given me a person to love and to love me back. I thank Allah for the `rezeki' that He has given me. Eight years of waiting has been worth it. He is my everything.
Lately he has been asking for an `adek'. Only God knows how much I want to give him an 'adek'. It hasn't been easy. Two failed attempts has left me traumatised. Do I want to go thru the whole `ordeal' again? I am already 43 years old. Would dat be wise for me to try for a baby again at this age? *sigh*
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Opps! I did it again!

Yep! I did it again! I started on yet another new project just when I said that I wasn't! *grin* I don't usually go back on my words, honest, but when it comes to my hobbies, it is so easy to do just that! LOL!
I started on the LK Stamp-it! I know I said that I wasn't going to start on anything new until I hv completed my clock chart, but can I use d excuse that since M going 2 be doing a lot of travelling soon, I need a project that is easy to stitch and bring along? *wink*
U see, the clock chart is a little complicated to be bringing it around during my travels.....*wink* Yeah! Rite! *grin* Excuses! Excuses! Oh's I'll just have to keep at it and hope that I will get this one done before I start on the next new project! *wink* Yeah, rite! We'll see! LOL!
Friday, December 09, 2005
My feelings for today.......
I have never touch on the issues of artiste coz I consider them a species different from us normal human beings. But reading about Erra Fazira and Yusry's troubled marriage yesterday touched me and made me sad. I consider them a very beautiful couple meant for each other, and it is sad to see them going thru a bad patch.
I have followed KRU's career 4 d last 10 years and find them one of the more professional artistes that we have in our country. They have been very professional in almost everyway they handle their careers, even during the hardest times of their career when a lot of people were condemning them. They took every critic positively. They took it in their stride to improve themselves. They have gone through the rough ride and came out stronger.
I do hope that Erra and Yusry will be able to go thru this rough tide too and come out stronger. It wud be sad to see them breakup. They look good together and frm the photos yesterday, they still look as if they still love each other.
Every marriage has its challenges. U just need to be ready to face them. Being both celebrities does not help when d spotlight is always on you. People say that there are itches in every marriage - the 1st year itch, the 3rd year itch, the 7 year itch and the 10 year itch. If U can survive these itches, then U can survive the rest of your marriage, though there are people that do break-up even after a 25 year marriage, which is very sad, may God forbid it from happening to any couple.
I guess the most important factor in every marriage is to have respect for each other although the husband is considered the head of d family. We are in the modern world where women are more vocal. U stil hv to respect ur hubby as the one that heads the family, but the husbands must also respect the wives and listen to her opinion too bcoz wives nowadays are not so simple minded as wives of 20 years ago. There must be lots of give and take in marriages now, and lots of patience.....heheh...I sound like a marriage counsellor! LOL!
No, I am not saying I am perfect. Everyone has flaws. I am only human! *grin* I always remind myself of the importance of respecting others no matter what your social status may be, and be it at home, at work, at family get togethers or anywhere else. It's a tough world these days. I pity our kids. I remember enjoying my chilhood days being a child. But kids nowadays have to grow up fast to catch up with the times. They can no longer be kids what with parents expecting them to perform straight A's all the time, myself included, and my son is not even in formal school yet! LOL! *grin*
Our education system is so exam oriented, that our kids are only taught how to pass exams and not to understand what they are learning. It is sad. No wonder we get angry easily. We are so stressed out. We jump at the slightest mistakes of others and want to pick up a fight at any chance possible. Sad huh? What is the world coming to? *sigh* a phylosophical mood
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
When will we ever have it maid.....
Anyway, I think part of the reason I am feeling this way, I think, is because of my mother-in-law's new maid. Yep! The subject still isn't over yet! *sigh* It has been two months since she came and I still call her new because it seems she never seems to learn. My MIL has to reteach her certain things, well, ok, most things, almost daily. It stresses out my MIL and indirectly stresses me out too because, like it or not, it affects my maid too.
With my MIL's former maid, she (the maid) is considered the head butler, as my hubby likes to say. She takes command (of course with my MIL's consent) in the running of the daily chores. She instructs the other maids (my maid and my SIL's maid) on things to do so that everyone has got certain tasks to do each day. In the process, my maid learns things which I might not have time to teach like cooking certain favourite food of ours, what to cook for our son, how to take care of him while at my MIL's house, the do's and don't, and the basic personal hygiene. It eases a lot of the burden of training. My maid and my SIL's maid listens to her and respects her as the `head butler'. There is no such thing as this is your job, not my job and things like that.
With the current situation, my MIL's maid is supposed to be the head butler, but she being...eeerr...shall I say the word?....a litle blur and duh....the other 2 maids bullies her and takes advantage. Whenever my MIL ask my maid (I dn't know about my SIL's maid) to do something, she would start calling out to my MIL's maid in her mother tongue, and the next thing you know, my MIL's maid would come running in, even though she is in the middle of doing something else, and do what was supposed to be done by my maid.
I have several times told my maid not to pass on work instructed by my MIL for her to do to my MIL's maid. Yeah, she said she didn't, but, you know.....they always have answers to everything! *sigh*
When my MIL asked her maid why she did work that was intructed to my maid, the maid answered that because she was asked to do so. Duh! And she is supposed to be the head butler! You get the picture? She can be bullied around and my maid is far younger than her!
My maid is smart, well, in a way, and always has a ready answer to everything!! If I keep repeating my instructions to her about the do's and don't, I will start to sound like a broken there such a thing as a broken CD or DVD? *wink*
Both maids gives me the headache! I actually came home last nite with a throbbing headache that just wouldn't go away until this morning! Can you imagine what my MIL is going through?
I wish we had my MIL's former maid back. At least she will put my maid and my SIL"s maid in their places. Now, the younger maids are controlling the head butler. Can you imagine a restaurant kitchen where the kitchen help is giving orders to the head chef? Chaotic isn't it? That's how my MIL's house is like - chaotic!
You say why dn't I just not send my son to my MIL's house so that she can't bully my MIL's maid? Well, my hubby and I did gave it some thought, but I just can't come to work leaving my son with just the maid. I have heard too many horror stories concerning maids left home to do whatever they please since you are not around to supervise them. My son is too young to tell on her. He can still be bullied by my maid not to tell on her. You have to remember, my maid is a smart one!
On the other hand, my maid's presence at my MIL's house, though she bullies the older maid, is actually a help to my MIL when it comes to cooking. My MIL can now entrust her to cook some basic food when my MIL is too tired to do so. That leaves me very confused.......and in a dilema....
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 my craft room doing up cards! *grin*It has been a very long time since I spent time doing up cards, due to a hectic work schedule and unforeseen circumstances lately, but last weekend, I spent most part of that weekend doing just that and I am very pleased with myself! LOL! *wink*
I made 3 different types of cards (yep! I have definitely been very busy! LOL!) - rectangular cards, square cards and card blanks. If there are no takers 4 d festive christmas cards, they will definitely be on their way to some, hopefully, lucky people! *wink*I am still in d mood to make more cards, but I also need to take some time off frm making cards to put in some stitches on my clock chart. I am definitely going 2 try to finish it off before the end of the year so that I can get started on the Lizzie Kate Blocks and the Flipits.
We will just have to see if I can make it! LOL! Another year end resolution? *wink* I wil post photos on the progress of that piece later. Keep a look out for this page! *grin*
I am also trying to finish off my Kimono Row which I started some 3 years ago! Oh my! I'd better get offline and start stitching! LOL!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
M back! M back! M back!
Yep! I DID attend my PTK course after much contemplation! LOL!
After I had decided that I was going for my PTK course, all of a sudden so many thing suddenly popped up or happened prior to my going! Well, for starters, I only had about 3 weeks before the course to prepare for it. I had a 5000 word assignment to do which was to be handed over on d day of d registration on 21 November. Talking about dates, I actually got d dates of my PTK mixed up. Can U imagine? I had all along thought that the PTK was going to run frm 28 November and ending 8 days later! But, as it turned out, it was actually starting on 21 November and ending on 28 November! LOL! Here I was happily thinking that I still had at least two weeks after hari raya to do up my paper, study for d exams and still have plenty of time to do my hobbies in between!
When my hubby pointed out d actual date, I automatically went into panic gear! LOL! My paper was not even close to 3000 words and I still have the public speaking topics to prepare for, not to mention studying for the exams!
I was practically lying on the floor in panic when I just simply couldn't find any more facts to write to make up the 5000 words. Luckily my hubby is such a sensible person. He kicked (not literally) some senses into me to get up and start writing! LOL! Thanks, hubby! I LOVE YOU!
But, as God would have fated it, one week before the course, I had a bad case of urinary tract infection that got so bad, I thought I would never make it to the course! I was practically cringing in pain for most part of the week prior to 21 November. I wanted and needed to get better because a lot of effort had already been spent preparing my paper which was almost coming to 5000 words. It was not until after 3 different dosages of antibiotics did I finally managed to get up to finish my paper. By then, I only had 3 days left to glance through the public speaking topics and do some quick studying.
How did I do for the course? Hmmm...I can only say how well I fared when d results are out. *grin* I have given my best. I can only hope and pray that I have made it through with flying colours. I leave it to God. It is Him who decides. I am just glad I had managed to go through the whole course in full, considering the very bad pain I had to endure prior to going for the course. Itu semua dugaan dari Allah yang harus dilalui dengan penuh ketabahan. I hope I had passed His tests.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Should I?
Yeah! M contemplating whether I should go for my PTK course or not this year! There are 3 assignments (well, ok, actually one, but the other two are public speaking topics which still needs to be prepared if I dn't want to look silly in front of the panel of examiners. You know, with my mouth wide open like a gold fish coz I dn't know what to say? LOL!) to be handed in on the day of the registration for the course. The course starts on 28 November 2005 and runs for 8 days. That's about a month away! Take away the cuti cuti Raya and Deepavali, M left with hardly two weeks to prepare the 3 assignmnets! *sigh* Should I?
There is an exam on the 1st and last day of the course, and I can't even get passed the 3rd page of the 1st (huh? there's more?) reading materials! *sigh*
It's Baking Time!

I was initially not in the mood to bake any cookies this year. Why? Coz I was more in the mood to make cards! *grin* But U can't eat cards on raya day! LOL!
Another good reason why I should be baking this year is because this year my kitchen is finally equipped with a built-in oven! Yep! Something I have been looking forward 2 having since we moved into our house some 13 years back! Yep! 13 years!
I managed to bake 2 types of cookies, and with d new oven with multi layer trays, baking time sure is fast! It was the preparation that took a long time! *grin* The baking took hardly 30 minutes to complete both types of cookies! It sure was a breeze!
I remember when I was baking using my mum's old oven (remember my earlier posting about the oven that is already more than 25 years old?) and a small portable oven given to me by my hubby as a raya gift when we first moved into our home. It took me hours to bake even a small batch of cookies! The temperature of my mum's old oven is so inconsistent that I ended up having most of my cookies so burnt, that I practically had to throw them away! My portable oven, on the other hand, could only bake so much at a time, that it would sometimes take me all the way right up to buka time before I would be done with baking! LOL!
Anyway, both those two ovens have served me well for 13 years when we still couldn't afford a proper oven. Thanks, mum and hubby, for the ovens! Muuuuaaaaa!
Friday, October 21, 2005
In a square mood....
Over the last weekend, I suddenly got into the mood to do cards, and not just any cards, but square shaped cards! Before this, I have mostly been doing rectagular shaped cards. I think it must be because I got inspired after glancing thru some pages of the Card Making magazine I bought just before the end of the week. Also, Mona was asking for some responses to open up a stall to sell some small craft items. Something we had been talking about for a long time but never got down to doing it. U know, all those excuses about being too buzy with work, family and many other never ending stories? LOL! *wink*
Anyway, here are a few cards I did over the weekend. I hope to do more this coming weekend if everything goes according to plan! Wait for my update next week! Till then, have a great weekend, everyone!
It's been a long week!
Yep! It's been more than a week since I made any entries here! It is all because I couldn't access my blog due to problems I was facing which I had mentioned in my last entry! I am still encountering the problem, but I am doing things a little bit in a roundabout way. Never mind. It's too long to tell! LOL!
I hope everyone is fine and is in the best of health. Since my last entry, a lot has happened. Well, for one thing, yesterday, our first lady, the Prime Minister's wife passed away peacefully at her official residence with all members of her family beside her.
There isn't much I could say about her since I never had the opportunity to meet her during her short tenureship as the first lady and the projects that I am currently involved in does not give me the opportunity to meet her nor the PM himself, unlike the previous PM where I had the opportunity to meet him at least once a year through work.
Anyway, my condolences to the PM and his family on the demise of their beloved wife and mother/daughter. Semoga rohnya sentiasa dicucuri rahmat.
This week feels like a long week for me due to a number of reasons. One, the week is full of meetings back to back from morning to
Well, actually, my falling sick had also to do with the fact that the air-cond in the office was not functioning properly. Hah! Blame it on the air-cond! LOL! And that’s reason number three! Well, ok this is supposed to be reason number 2 and reason number 2 is supposed to be reason number 3. Did I just confused someone? LOL!
Anyway, by the end of the day, I had developed a bad sore throat and a bad headache. That nite I had a temperature of 39 degrees but had to go to work the next day because I had already arranged another project meeting which could no longer be postphoned due to its urgency. Popped in some panadols and went back to bed after sahur, and that kinda did the job. The temperature went down, but my body was aching all over!
However, I did take d afternoon off and went home to sleep, and slept I did! LOL! I slept in the afternoon. Woke up to cook food for breaking fast, and went back to sleep again in the evening! LOL! The doctor told me I fell sick due to dehydration. Didn't I tell U that the air-cond is to blame? LOL! *wink*
Anyway, I am feeling better now though my body is still aching, and the week has not ended yet! LOL! But, thank God it’s Friday! *grin*
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I am stumped.....
For the past two days I have been trying to access my blog and a few of my friends' blog and I kept being redirected to this one single weblog! This is so frustrating! What did this person (owner of that weblog that I kept on being redirected to) do such that I could not access any other weblog except his/hers?
I have tried deleting cookies and also files under the temporary internet files folder, but I still keep getting this one page! Uuurrgghhh!
I wish someone out there could tell me what to do!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
He misses her.......
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
A bad idea....
How can someone at that age has never cooked and never done housework b4, and she's married! How do U live b4 this? M puzzled. I cannot imagine myself not knowing even the basic task of cooking and housework. I think had I been one really lazy wife, I wud still knw how to cook rice and sweep d floor, or at least, knw how to wash my own clothes, even though it might not be that clean! LOL! *wink*
Hmmm..M going to try to imagine being one lazy person to see if I cud go thru one day without eating and wearing dirty clothes all day.....*grin*
What irks me is why agents are very irresponsible to send someone with no basic training at all in household chores. Are they just trying to make fast bucks because training cost time and money?
MY MIL has a big task ahead of her, and we will have to give her all the moral support she needs. Luckily, my MIL is a very patient women. I wish her all d best, and us too, since my MIL's maid is supposed to be the head butler! LOL! Ironic, huh?
Sunday, September 25, 2005
We have yet to get it maid...
When the last maid went back 2 years ago, I dn't remember feeling this sad. Maybe because I already knew then that d new maid was already on her way here. It was also at that time that I was more preoccupied with d operation that I had just gone thru a few days prior to her departure.
I probably also wasn't that sad because my MIL's maid was still around then to take care of my son while I was recuperating from the operation. I had one less thing to worry about. This time around, not only my maid went back, but also my MIL's long serving maid of 6 years also went back on d same flight with my maid.
I worry about how we (my MIL and myself) are going to cope up without a maid because we have yet to know when the new maids will be coming in. As it is, I am already taking off a few days from work to take care of my son. My hubby will be taking a few days off too from work when I have meetings to attend at work which cannot be delegated to anyone else. But, for how long can we be away from the office? *sigh*
My son needs to go to school. We kind of resolve how to handle things in the morning as we get ready for work and get my son ready for school. It is when my son gets bck from school at noon that I worry about how my MIL is going to cope up without a maid because my son needs to eat. Sure, I can buy lunch and bring it over to my MIL's hse. But, hardly do meetings end any earlier than 12.30 noon. My son gets off school at 12.15 noon. *sigh*
I don't expect my MIL to cook because she is not as healthy as she used to be (she use to runs a restaurant some time back). My FIL too is not as strong as he used to be either.
I can only hope that both our new maids will come soon. I could only pray...... *sigh*
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Card making
is another hobby I dabble in enthusiastically when I am in the mood! LOL! Aahh! Another one of my many hobbies that goes round the wheel! LOL!Do I look old?
Yesterday I wnt shopping at Midvalley looking 4 some necessities but decided to drop by this cart selling crystal earrings that was going for 3 pairs for RM10.00. I was admiring them for it's design (so I can get inspirations for my scissor/handphone bracelets), when d girl manning d cart asked me if M buying for myself or for someone else.
I decided to play on so dat it wudn't look too obvious tht M `stealing' ideas. She showed me some nice big earrings with drop crystals and said dat this wud be really nice if d person M giving to is young. I asked her what if M getting one for myself? She showed me some small classic earrings tht looks very old fashion and said dat this wud be suitable for someone my age. Huh? And what age wud dat be? *sob*
Really! Do I look that old? *sob*sob*SOB* SOB*....crying getting louder! LOL! LOL! LOL! *wink*...all taken in good spirits!......
The tooth is out....
I remember the time when I went thru that. I was just like that, refusing for anyone to touch the already loosen tooth 4 fear that that person might pull it out! I was more scared of the pain which I couldn't anticipate how painful it was going to be, considering I was only 6 years old then, and my son is only 5 years old.
I am glad it is finally out so that the permanent tooth cud finally grow properly. I am hoping (don't we all? *wink*) dat my son will have a great set of teeth with a great smile.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Attempts at overdyeds
Both these pieces of Kitchen Sampler was stitched on my very own hand dyed 14ct aida. Had fun playing around with paint. Almost wanted to abandon this piece coz it didn't turn out exactly like I wanted it to be. But, after stitching on it, it didn't look too bad. Wouldn't U agree? *wink*
Monday, September 19, 2005
Worried, worried, worried.....
My son needs to go to school. My hubby and I needs to go to work. How do I work this out? *sigh* Take leave from work? That's one solution, but, for how long? *sigh* We don't even know when the new maid can come in. In the mean time, my hubby and I, we both have meetings which sometimes makes it impossible for us to take long stretches of leaves......
I wonder how people with 10 kids manage it without a maid, and I only have 1 kid, and M going out of my mind, worried sick, how to handle this situation until a new maid comes in! LOL!
Well, it's only Monday. I hope to have better news with regards to d new maid later this week. If not, M going to have one hectic week next week! *sigh*
Thursday, September 15, 2005
A 1st attempt

Well, actually, I am doing a lot of experimenting......this blogging is a new experience 4 me and I am trying out how else to make this blog more interesting.
This morning I installed the Picasa2 and managed to upload one photo (purrfect birthday cake) here using Hello with Picasa, but the following few attempts keeps giving me errors. Uuurrgghh! I wonder why? *scratching my head*
So, in another attempt to upload photos, here's another look at my stitching work. This piece is a actually from a clipart which I scanned and converted it into xs using PCStitch. I think it's a good 1st attempt. Dn't you think so? *wink*blush*
A piece of cake......
Yep! Baking is yet another hobby of mine in a wheel of hobbies that seems to be getting bigger and bigger (the wheel)! LOL!
The 1st one got burnt because the oven thermometer no longer shows the correct temperature. Well, hasn't shown d correct temperature for the past 10 years actually, LOL! but I have been able work around it by buying a portable thermometer. But, somehow, this time, even the portable thermometer was not showing the right temperature either! *sigh* That's getting old too......
Finally the 3rd one turned out ok...phew! I was like all tired out by the time it got baked that I couldn't bring myself to do the frosting until the next day! Luckily is was a public holiday the next day!
Happy Birthday, dear son! You are growing up so fast!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Fickle Minded RR

Thanks, Azie and Zalita (Cheeze) for stitching ur part on this RR. Coincidentally, the initials of Azie and Zalita added up to become my initials - NAZ. The 3 of us are geminians, who are always so frickle minded when it comes to deciding on some things... Azie changed her pattern twice before deciding on what she finally wanted to do! *wink*
Are my clothes shrinking?
I went shopping looking 4 some new clothes coz I got a couple of functions to attend to, but came back frustrated and sad. All the clothes these days are small....*sob*......or am I getting oversized? *wink*
I need an excersize regime where I can fit it into d short time I hv after office, picking up my son, rushing home, still do some xs and my many other hobbies and extra curricullar activities which does not include excercising..LOL! *wink* but still have time to excersize, and still get my 5 hours of beauty sleep!! Anybody can help?
Saturday, September 10, 2005
More beads......and stitching....

Now I have a whole box of it! Within a span of only two weeks, I have managed to accumulate so many beads that I had to start buying boxes to accomodate the stash of my latest craze!
But, today, I am back to stitching. Why? Because I was in Penang on Thursday for a meeting and dropped by Tammy's (thanks, Ina, for bringing me around!) to have my Frickle Minded and Happy Stitcher's RR framed and couldn't resist buying a clock chart. I blame this on Gen for asking me to buy the chart for her and it got me tempted! LOL!
Yep, I just started on yet another stitching project when I actually have many UFOs already waiting for me to complete them...*sigh*...guess they will just have to wait for maybe....another year, perhaps? *wink*
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
U know, today I spent my whole lunch time trying to figure out how to put in colored text in between my sentences. I went round and round at looking for the appropriate HTML tag, until finally, when my tummy could no longer take it and started baby in there...LOL!..just a very empty and mad tummy.....I had to give up and went down for lunch.
When I came back from lunch, now that my tummy is happy, I decided to buzz Cheeze to ask her how to go about doing it. When she told me the way, I had to laugh coz I had spent the whole lunch time looking for the rite HTML that the rite term? was just staring there at me! All I had to do was edit my post under the `compose' format and not the `HTML' format ! LOL! *blush* Duh!
Well, live another day, learn another thing...........
Monday, September 05, 2005
My latest craze......
My hubby was amazed that I picked up yet another new hobby! Told him dat all my hobbies are part of a wheel that goes round and round. I will come back to x stitching, patchwork, scrapbooking, sewing, card making, stamping, crocheting, baking, cake decorating, when the wheel comes around next time.

His comment? My wheel seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the day that it is taking ages for any one hobby to come back to its first postion! LOL! LOL! LOL! blush!
I just can't seem to get enough of this new hobby! It all started as a quick visit...which didn't turn out to be quick after all..LOL! Brenda's Mayfair shop at USJ Taipan.
Ok, let's start from the beginning.....I had wanted to learn beadwork for some time. In fact, when I last went down to Johor Bahru and met up with Wendy, while waiting for her at d specific time, I browsed the bookshop at City Square and the bead magazine was just calling out to me! LOL! I picked it up and it got me really curious on how to make all those lovely bracelets and necklaces. There were instructions for beginners in d magazine, but I still cudn't make out how or where to start. I bought the magazine anyway with the hope that some day, I'll learn how to make one of those lovely bracelets in the magazine.
Coming back to KL, I asked a few of my stitching friends from Malaysian Stitchers to show me the ropes, but, as much as they wanted to help me, but because everything was done virtually, and I somehow just cudn't figure out the terms used in beadwork, that I just got totally lost! Duh! I don't even know what findings mean! LOL! Another duh! *wink* But, as usual, being the curious me and always wanting to learn and try out new things, I made several visits to the bead section of Jucso Midvaley with the hope that the shop assistant there would show me the methods. But, alas, she cud only make one for me if I buy the things but was not that willing to actually show me how to do it. Disappointed I was, but I never gave up. So, back to current time.....heheh.....
While paying for the things I bought (which was just some DMC threads and buttons) during my so called quick stop at Brenda's *wink*, my eyes caught the lovely handphone bracelets showcased. I asked Brenda how much it cost. Her answer? Why buy when U can make them yourself! Heheheh....told her that I have been wanting to make them but don't know how. She said that if I buy the things from her, she will teach me how to do them. As they say it, the rest is history! LOL! Thanks, Brenda! Muaaahhhhh!
I came back from Brenda's and simply couldn't get enough of bead work! LOL! Finally the bead magazine I bought in JB made sense! I understood the terms being used! LOL!
The next day I made a trip to Jusco Midvalley, but this time with confidence to buy the things needed to make more handphone/scissor bracelets! Those interested in this hobby, be warned! This is one expensive hobby! But, aren't all my hobbies expensive? LOL! *wink*
Because of the price of the beads at Jusco, I purchase only enough to make 3 more bracelets, but I still couldn't get enough. My mind was full of ideas on how to make more varieties of the bracelets. I woke up thinking beads, and went to bed thinking beads! LOL!
I just needed to make more handphone bracelets. The same week, after asking my stitching friends where can I get nice beads without spending a fortune, I was told that one shop called Ondori in Petaling Street carries nice beads at a reasonable price. Thanks, Margaret, for the info!

It rained heavily. But, so determined was I at getting to this shop that no heavy downpour could dampen my spirits! LOL! Did I find the shop at the firt round? Nope! The second round? Nope! I found Mandarin Hotel but I cudn't find the Tea Shop and nor could I find the Ondori shop. After the 3rd round, I decided to park the car and called Margaret to get more specific directions. Guess what? When I called her, I was parked directly in front of d shop! LOL!
Again, thks, Margaret! I really had fun at d shop! Wish lunch time was longer, but, then again, d more time I spend der, d more I will spend! LOL! BTW, the name of the shop is NOT ONDORI! LOL!
Because of this new hobby, I didn't do any stitching for so many weekends! LOL! All I wanted to do was to try out different variations to d scissor/handphone barcelets. Many variations I did. Take a look at my webshot album to see what I have been crazy doing the past month!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Always on the move!

I have many hobbies. I am always doing something. I simply do not know how to realx, as my husband puts it. I am always on the move! LOL! Even while I am watching TV, my hands are busy doing something - reading, sewing, stitching, eating! LOL!
One of my favourite hobby (yep! I sure have lots of hobbies! *grin*) is cross stitching. I find it simply therapeutic, especially after a stressful day at the office. I have been doing cross stitch for as long as I could remember, but, I stopped for a while when I was furthering my studies in Architecture. Architecture is one course that simply does not leave you with much time for leisure, what with all those projects and presentations you have to put up weekly, not to mention all those late nights spent preparing for the project presentations!
I caught the cross stich bug again some 10 years back. My interest got even more intensified when I found friends on the net just as crazy about cross stitch as I am! Since joining a stitching group online, I have made many new friends and I have been inspired to try many new things and techniques in this pleasurable hobby. Here are some of my finished pieces. Take a look!
My husband has been encouraging me to compile all my works so that our children and grandchildren would someday be able to appreciate what my thoughts and feelings were about life, and hopefully, will be able to provide some guidance and also some humour *wink* in our future generation's every day life.
I love to write (guess I got that from my dad who I simply adore!). I love to put into words my thoughts. My mind is constantly `writing', be it as I am driving to and from work, while cooking, while watching TV, while stitching, doing up my son's scrapbook, sewing, patchworking (yep! I love anything crafty! ), and of course in the bathroom! LOL!
I love sharing my thoughts with people, though not everyone shares the same thoughts as I, but, heck, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, right? *grin*
I am still trying to figure out this blog thingy. I am still new at this blog thing. I am playing around with how to make this blog more interesting. In time, I hope I will be able to make this blog an interesting stop for everyone who has been here.
Till then, hope you will drop by again as I add more things!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
The AF Fever is back…..
However, when I chance upon this group (Kefli_af Yahoo Group), I find it very encouraging that most of the members there have managed to control their emotions and not go into `kutuk gear' each time someone posted anything negative about Kefli. The members have instead decided to put all efforts to AFUNDI KEFLI instead of wasting time and money condemning (mengutuk) the other AF3 kids. Kudos to them all! A very matured and wise move. Keep it up!
To be frank, I, too, am a fan of Kefli *blush*, and not mainly because he is cute, though, that is a bonus *wink* *blush*, but because I see that he has talents which needs to be polished. Shy, budak nie sebenornya! Rupa pun dah ada (cute, adek nie!). He needs to be a little bit more menyerlah though, but always being in d shadows of someone who have such a large fan (Forgive me if there are Mawi, Felix and other fans here too. I only speak frm d heart and my intentions are sincere), I dn't blame him for feeling `small'. Kesian tengok muka dia setiap kali permulaan konsert masa Aznil bacakan peratusan undi. But, I am glad that all Kefli fans has worked hard to keep him in d akademi. I hope you all will keep on voting him into d finals.
Takut kalau dia jadi juara pun, mungkin akan ada yang mempertikaikannya (especially fans of d WORLD! *wink*) coz performance dia tak consistent. Sayang. Dia ada bakat sebenarnya dan suara dia OK, macam kata Iman Wan, kalau dapat lagu yang sesuai dengannya, he cud really nail it!His best thus far is Konsert Ke 5 which is really WOW! If only he cud repeat that great performance in d next 2 weeks he will really be a JUARA! He did good in Mungkin and Kenang Daku Dalam Doamu too. I missed Nur Kasih.
To me, kalau dia dapat placing number 2 or 3 after Amylea pun dah kira bagus. Orang takkan pertikaikan kedudukannya kalau placing dia is after Amylea (saya bukan peminat Amylea, but, let's be realistic, she does have d voice, though she needs to work on d attitude part). He will be safe frm kutukkan orang yang akan merasakan dia tak layak jadi juara. Kesian dia nanti. But it wud be realy nice if he cud actually walk away with d condo and d car! That wud be really wow!
Lately nie ramai di luar tu tak puas hati kerana Kefli masih bertahan di akademi (Thanks to his voters who have worked hard to keep him in d akademi!). Pedulikan itu semua. You can never please everyone. Though it hurts to read all those postings, d important thing is to keep voting 4 him till he gets to d finals. That is d utmost target. Pedulikan apa orang lain kata.
Monday, July 11, 2005
My hectic week......
To add more challenge to d week, my son had a high fever on Wednesday at d peak of my hectic work schedule. I slept at 2.00 am on Wednesday nite in between taking care of him and writing d script for d power point presentation. Bcoz I hardly slept d nite b4, I woke up late d next day and it was d day I was supposed to meet up with d Minister for d Pavilion presentation! Rushed like crazy thru traffic to drop off my son b4 proceeding to work! Got there just in d nick of time! phew!
On Friday, I was like a mad women trying to juggle the pavilion presentation to d Minister in d morning while trying to stay focuson d presentation of d biodata for our DG d same nite. I was like a zombie frm lack of sleep. Bcoz of time constrain, we cudn't do a proper rehearsal for dcitation presentation at d hotel, but, luckily everything went on smoothly dat nite at d dinner. Macam pro pulak! LOL!
Is der anymore? Yep! To make this week more memorable, I had to drop my handphone into a bowl of curry on Tuesday! LOL! I thot I had lost all d important telephone numbers coz d phone just went dead! I needed d phone coz it was d only way to communicate with d organizing committee, my staff and my boss since I was tied up in meetings all day.
I had no choice but to go out and buy a new handphone on Tuesday nite. Boy! It was one really quick buy! I just grabbed a reasonable priced HP, paid 4 it and jumped back into d car b4 heading home! Phew! Nasib baik d sim card was ok, and after some juggling with d old handphone, I managed to get it to work just long enuff to transfer all d memories frm d old phone to d new one!
M still feeling very tired frm last week's hectic schedule, and this week is no less hectic. M off to Melaka esok for a project briefing, but d rest of d week are just meetings here in KL to attend. phew! I really need to take a break, but dn't forsee one coming so soon.*sigh*
To Harsha and Lillie, thks for d sms and email asking where I hv been. Nice to knw that U are being missed! *wink*
...still tired....